Short term fixes are great for consultants - you see more and more of your clients. What you need is a solution that will serve you best in the long run. If it's in your best interest to spend the money now, rather than in small increments of a period of time, we'll tell you. If your solution includes a 5¢ part, we'll tell you. If there's no simple solution, we'll even tell you that. We will promise to be honest with you and only recommend what is needed.
Internet no matter how you get it, and wired or secured wireless networking.
We currently support Macintosh, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, along with Windows 7, 8, 10 & 11 and have supported Windows 95, 98, 2000, 2000 Pro, XP, Vista, 2000 Advanced Server and NT. We even mix 'em up in the same office and get them to talk to each other. Oh, UNIX too!
Ubuntu, 2000 Advanced Server and NT on Intel, Webstar, AIS and OS X Server on Mac and Apache on everything.
Smart Home
Alexa, Google, Apple Home? There's no reason for your home to outsmart you. We can help
Dreamliner front office at 35000'
Koi pond with lily
Resting Cardinal
Sunset on the Mediterranean
Cessna 172 on final
Desert oasis waterfall
Kingfisher waiting
One Atlantic morning
Air Canada 747 in 1972
Pelicans on a windy Florida morning
Storm coming on the Atlantic
Front office of a 747
Egret on the seashore
Storm coming
MiG 15 business end
Not a bird, but Monarchs still fly
Fisher at sunset
All 9 Snowbirds
More Monarchs
Sunset on the Galilee
B-29 Enola Gaye
Cardinal in a tree
Florida sunrise one July morning
Endless practice in a 172
Water lily in Tel Aviv
Stream in Massachusetts
Water lily in Toronto
Frog on a lily pad
Red fish blue fish
Boxer resting beside the pond
The joy of flight
Breakers on the breaker
INTERACTIVEPAGES has maintained all of our IT and technical needs for over a decade. With Stan's advice, we've gone from being technophobic to being tech friendly! He's created solutions that have allowed us to work through the pandemic and beyond.
When we needed a website to replace our "ancient" version, we asked INTERACTIVEPAGES to do the update and we are very pleased with the results!
When I have a problem with my "tech" I call my favourite "techy" and it gets done!
Our unique medical practice has a number of challenges that INTERACTIVEPAGES found solutions that work for us. They easily customized and crafted the end result to fit our workflow. Almost painless!
Using SurgWeb is easy. First you log in, using a special website for your domain.
The address is:
http://webmail.your domain name:7443/surgeweb
You need to put your own domain name in instead of the RED text, including the .com or .net, etc, but without the www at the front.
You'll see this window come up:
Put your user name - the part of your e-mail address that comes in front of the "@" in the top box and your password into the bottom box. You will probably see a message the first time you do this about the "security certificate." Ignore the warning and accept this certificate, and if given the option, save it for future use. If you are the only user on your computer, you can click on the "Remember Me" box, and the password and username will be saved for the next time you log in.
You will find a number of easy to use options, including adding an "away" message (NOT RECOMMENDED) and spam folders to check if an item is not showing up on your regualr e-mail.
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